Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Let the Games Begin

We have our first "official" candidate now running for 2016 President of the United States: Ted Cruz.

I don't know what's more amusing, The Onion's breakdown of Ted Cruz or this article from electablog about the Cruz campaign's failure to register  tedcruz.com and TedCruzForAmerica.com  

You decide. 



  1. Classic! Both articles are great and so are the redirects.
    This guy is a total tool...

  2. I am just amazed that he's running in the first place. There aren't THAT many angry ignorant people in this country who would vote for him.

  3. Too funny! He appeared on the morning show on CBS this morning and Gayle threw him a set of softball questions meant to loosen him up and give him an opportunity to let people kind of get to know him. Ted found a way to bring up 9/11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nik-UstmCjw

  4. He didn't last too long against Mitt. I found it funny that he may need to get Obamacare now. His wife left her job at Goldman Sachs - unpaid leave - no benefits.

  5. Am I the only one who thinks Ted Cruz was produced from the loins of Grandpa Munster?

  6. Oh, I can't wait to slide over to the Onion and read what they have to say about him. Thanks for the links! :-)

  7. Pat, "tool" is an appropriate, all encompassing descrip.

  8. Shady, don't be so sure. One of these days one of these crazies will get the ticket. I believe in the pendulum theory where things swing back & froth from extremes to the middle. We are still on the swing to extremism in my book.

  9. Grand, thanks for that link. Country music folks "are my people". Ugh. I sold Country music radio for many years and I can tell you the majority of them are super conservative, e.g. Toby Keith. I have so little respect for that genre (not because of politics altho' it doesn't help) because I cannot tell one singer from the next.

    Anyway, I digress. Who remembers what Country music, as an entity, did to the Dixie Chicks?

  10. Did not know his wife worked for G-S. No conflict there. Does that keep him from throwing around the "Hillary is tied to Wall Street" mantra?

  11. jayne, because he looks like Eddie, Herman or Grandpa? Or maybe all three?

  12. DJan, hope you enjoyed it. I wanted to print it but thought about copyright infringement so erred on the other side of caution.

  13. Just sighing and shaking my head over here!

  14. I'd vote for him over Hillary in a heartbeat! :)

  15. Would he be my first choice? No...I really want Mit!

  16. Mary, you sure you want to move back to the States?

  17. Betsy, so glad to have you commenting! I know we are on different sides of the fence but your opinion matters and I'm really pleased to see it. XO
