Tuesday, March 31, 2015

I'd Rather Be Dead

One of my childhood friends, dating back to 1st grade I think, sent me this wonderful Harry Nilsson video.  Her mother is 93, incontinent, going blind, and can no longer swallow thanks to Parkinson's disease. Unfortunately, she is in her right mind.  My girlfriend's son sent it to her to lighten her mood.  He's 25.  It's a delightful song on a serious subject.  His backup group of seniors, with a few exceptions, are so obviously British, I kept looking for Monty Python. But no.  This is for real as far as I can tell.

P.S.  Yesterday would have been my mother's 100th birthday.  I know if she'd lived, she'd "rather be dead" too!



  1. Well, it's pretty funny to see all those oldsters singing this! Enjoyed it. :-)

  2. My mom had Alzheimers. Sometimes there are no good choices....

  3. DJan, I suppose it's not funny to some but I liked it. I hope I can find that kind of humor as I move down the road towards eternity.

  4. TB, I am sorry about your mother. Why can't we all just go to sleep and not wake up? Our bodies betray us.

  5. Hi Deb and Welcome! It is pretty funny. I went to your profile and notice you list Oregon as where you live part time. My sons just moved to Portland and are loving it. Even tho' I'm from CA, I've never visited Portland. Hope to remedy that this summer.

  6. That's hilariously fantastic. If we can't laugh at death then what's the point, right?

  7. Beer Boys, just wondering if you know how Nilsson is/was? He's probably been "dead" for as long as you've been alive. He was a brilliant songwriter and died waaaay too young.
