Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Who Killed Osama Bin Laden?

Stewart nails it again.

I almost called this "Spin Doctors Voodoo Magic". 



  1. I just read a short blurb on Michele Bachmann (while there is no IQ bar in politics, she could walk under it).
    Congresswoman Bachmann activated her right to dual US-Swiss.  Maybe she will yodel her way into a Swiss government office.
    Just thought you would enjoy the fun you could have with this story.

  2. Isn't that a great metaphor!  (or is it an analogy?)  did he say "like rats in a bag?"  then it would be an analogy.  or would it be a simile?

  3. I must remember to use "rats in a bag" analogy more often.  Jon Stewart and his staff does us a service by showing us how the spins change (flip flop?) so often.

  4. huh?  how is that possible?  she's Swiss?  my GF is Swiss w/ a dual citizenship in the U.S. because she married an American.  I didn't think it worked the other way around.  I'll have to look this up.  My GF;s kids have automatic dual citizenships because of the parents.  
