Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Morning Headline on Huff Post

Wonder if he and Ann are trying to get green cards for the domestic help in their five homes before he decides on a position?



  1. Check out the two links above in my reply to lisleman.  You'll really want to say "Hmmm"  or perhaps  "WTF?"

  2. "Yeah.  That's the ticket."  

    Even Jon Lovitz is getting into the act:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/29/jon-lovitz-obama-defends-comments_n_1463338.html

    He's following in the footsteps of Victoria Jackson http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/03/12/victoria-jackson-is-crazy_n_174253.html

    This is all kinds of crazy.  Too many drugs?

  3. Hey didn't you hear his grandfather came from Mexico?  He probably celebrated  Cinco de Mayo.  Maybe he even drank a Dos Equis.  Didn't he take the family dog to Canada on vacation?  He should go to the Canadian border and make a speech on healthcare for dogs.

  4. Well said. Probably, I'd say. Hmmm.
