Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mommies, Have A Wonderful Day!



  1. I was interested in your comment on my blog a day ago or so. Do you find that your husband is happier now, having the chance to enjoy this passion? Judy split in two.

  2. Thank you! I shall. I tried to leave a comment on the Stardust one you posted, as i cried as I listened to Nat remind me why I love that song so much. Thank you. I miss my mom, too.

  3. Judy, I think my husband would be on top of the world were it not for his health problems. He now has chronic Lyme disease, diagnosed almost 18 mos ago. They think he's had it a long time & it was in remission. He is in constant pain and on a regimen of antibiotics which don't do much for one's health either.

    He loves photography. He spends most of his time reading about technique or studying other people's work. He's grown dramatically over the past 6 years when he became disabled by severe back problems.

