Sunday, March 21, 2010

Health Care Reform Passes 219-212!!!

Shouts of "Yes we can!" heard on the floor.  Read all about it here.

Image below uploaded from The Huffington Post


  1. Hooray! Whew! I hope it gets implemented quickly and well and all the scared people (or most of them, anyway) can calm down and see that it isn't so bad after all! Oh, and that a lot of people actually get better health care.

  2. I just watched the 7pm news. Obama was due to be in Australia this week and cancelled the trip due to pressing engagements at home . . I beet he's so glad he did! Then the devil's in the detail .. I wait to see. At last the US has seen sense. Well done.

  3. Congratulations!!! Whew, that was close....

  4. This may be only an incremental step forward, without some of the basics I'd hoped for, like the public option, but I'm with Kucinich embracing the step. Nothing gets changed all at once! Yippee!

  5. there is SO MUCH MORE to be done and I do not pretend to understand the short term ramifications. I do believe it is one step at a time.

    I listened to an professor on Morning Joe compare the passing of this bill to the 1965 Civil Rights Act and Joe Scarborough became indiginant and incredulous and mocking. This guy stood his ground, however, and since he is an African American, there wasn't too many places for Scarborough to go with his rant w/o becoming politically INcorrect.
