Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy Vernal Equinox!

Images of Spring by Cole Scott Photography
In order as shown:  Violas (pansies) in morning dew, apple blossoms, tulips, dandelions, bee on a Cosmos,  Pinks (dianthus),  Easter lily



  1. Ah he's such a clever possum. Love the last shot. Seasons aren't so noticeable here. It's autumn but no leaf fall yet and it still feels like summer!

  2. Beautiful photos - a nice splash of colour for a grey day over here in the south of France.

  3. JC: Yes. We've had wonderful weather this past week. These photos express the way most of us feel even if there aren't any flowers up in northern New England yet.

    Baino: He is, isn't he? It's still your vernal equinox for you too so Happy Fall!

    Deborah: Thanks Deb. We're heading into a grey chilly streak now too.

    Vicki Lane: Thank you. I'll pass along the compliment.

  4. Oh, these photos are a nice way to celebrate.
