Monday, March 22, 2010

Health Care Reform Bill: What Happens Now?

from AP:
A companion package making a series of changes sought by House Democrats to the larger bill, which already passed the Senate, was approved 220-211. The fix-it bill will now go to the Senate, where debate is expected to begin as early as Tuesday. Senate Democrats hope to approve it unchanged and send it directly to Obama, though Republicans intend to attempt parliamentary objections that could change the bill and require it to go back to the House.

Sen. John McCain said Monday morning that Democrats have not heard the last of the health care debate, and said he was repulsed by "all this euphoria going on."

Read the entire story.

In your face Teabaggers!


  1. Well, I'm repulsed by John McCain, so it evens out...

  2. Heaven forbid that Americans might be euphoric about the provision of free health care!

  3. I just wrote a post about the health bill passing. It's going to be law, even if there is still some Senate maneuvering going on. I am very happy about this, even if it's just a start.

  4. Well I for one was ecstatic. Being English, I suppose I know a bit about it. I have only praise for our health system over here. I have used it all my life and no cause for complaint at all, ever! I think it's wonderful that people who so far could not afford the healthcare over there will at last be able to benefit from it. I am clapping for Obama. I think he is great.
    Blessings, Star

  5. Thank God, he didn't win the presidency! Guess that all of the "good old boys" will be whining! Thanks for the story, cher!

  6. Reagan ConservativeMarch 23, 2010 at 1:46 PM

    Ah the smell of entitlements in springtime. Way to stink up the country. I guess now it's on to the next big democrat voting block. Illegal residents. Mmmm 20 million new voters. And then the topper of all toppers the global warming hoax. We should well be out of money by then.

  7. Dear Reagan Conservative: Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I can see we are not on the same page but I appreciate your taking time to write. My most fervent wish is to either impose term limits or eliminate campaign PACS and contributions over a certain, reasonable amount so the politicians on both sides are no longer bound to special interests and less likely to insert pork entitlements into bills they want to pass. I wish all congressmen and women were altruistic. Alas, they are not. I believe the health care bill is just a first step to providing the middle class as well as the poor health service. It's no longer affordable for most of us. I have it but I'm lucky and I pay through the nose for it.

    As a native Californian, I have mixed feelings about immigration. I have heard, over and over and over, that immigrants take the jobs that legal folks won't. Farmers would have to charge exorbitant prices for fresh produce were it not for farm workers of the immigrant &/or illegal persuasion. I believe this. I've seen it firsthand. I've also heard since the recession hit, fewer and fewer immigrants are coming into the States as they cannot make the money they once did. Do I think this country should welcome everyone with open arms? No. But what do we do? I haven't any answers for this. I'm sure there are good ideas but it's another polarizing subject.

  8. I am a conservsative through adn through but in fac ti see this bill as a step in the right direction. There are some good things in it that were long overdue such as children not being able to be denied from existing conditions and also that there are no limits. I mean if one is sick, it's not one's fault to then be 'penalized' for too much care!

    I don;t trust government to do anything efficiently but really, who else coudl have pushed this through. Now, I'd even like to see a public option too.

  9. Mmm: Thank you for a thoughtful comment and a bipartisan approach. Govt probably can't do anything efficiently because there's so much bureaucracy but, as you say, this is "a step in the right direction" and, hopefully, with numerous followup steps we can get it right. It's hard for me to believe we won't cut expenses now coming out of our pockets anyway for the uninsured in ER situations. And, it's morally proper to provide care for the young, sick and elderly.

  10. Man, we really dodged a bullet with McCain. Nasty old man.

  11. California Girl, I'd like to have something clarified, if you can. On French news last night was a piece that seemed to indicate that the bill has to go back again to the House of Representatives - that Sunday's vote has been declared null and void for procedural reasons. I don't see anything of this in the NYTimes, which I only just took a quick look at, admittedly.

    I understand that there is still a Senate vote on the amendments, but is that all?

    (I read with admiration your measured response to 'Republican')

  12. re McCain:

    "I'll be revenged on the whole pack of ye!"

    - Malvolio, Twelfth Night

  13. Deb, I am now up to date on things and this week's edition of European Time just arrived with the health care issue on the cover, so there's no need to answer my question.
