Monday, March 2, 2015

A Break from the Cold

I hit the wall with the weather about two weeks ago.  That's when I started looking for a way out.  Low vitamin D levels & gray skies contributed to an ongoing cranky fest that wouldn't stop.  My husband said to get the hell out of Dodge, go to Florida, visit friends & soak up the son. 

I leave tomorrow.  Neither my sons nor my husband are going but I will see one of my sons in the Keys were he's working temporarily.  

Some photos from past trips.

Naples, 2012 

Holmes Beach, 2009

My awesome family


  1. I don't blame you at all!
    You will be warm by tomorrow. Have a good time.

  2. Have a great time and take lots of pictures! :-)

  3. Hope you have a terrific time. I'm pretty sick of the cold, too.

  4. Soak up some sun for me, too. Wish I were going with you. So. Sick. Of. Winter.

  5. Hey ya'll, I just realized I wrote "soak up the son" hahahaha! My eldest is there temporarily so it must be a Freudian slip.

    Hasta la vista baby!

  6. Their weather is a good reason to keep them in the union.

  7. Go for it! We fled the sub zero of MN. for the a month and should have stayed longer in Florida...:)
