Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tuesday Funnies



  1. Ha! I like that last one. :-)

  2. The two weeks approach was common practice for me. Everyone wanted to do the take this job and shove it.
    Two different times my company made the first move.

  3. DJan, I love the mooning one. I never burned a bridge...well, I did once, no, twice. I threatened to sue one employer for sexual harrassment. I took two others to the labor board for non-payment of commissions. Had to get a lawyer one of those times to collect. You really cannot count of the good will of an employer. It's a rarity.

  4. Bill, I have always given two weeks nnotice, sometimes to my regret.

  5. LOL! I may or may not have tried them all at some point in my life. LOL! blessings ~ tanna

  6. I used to work at a supermarket, in the bakery department. I gave them a three-week notice. Then, on the very last day I worked there, I hung a mistletoe on the back of my apron. :)

  7. Tanna, I can say with conviction I have never mooned anyone!

  8. Paulina, Welcome! Thank you for leaving a comment.

  9. Unfortunately, no. But it got lots of laughs.

  10. I put in my two weeks like a respectable employee... and then on the last day I deleted every file I ever had, so they couldn't capitalize on all of my underpaid hard work.

  11. I've thought about the last two but usually just stuck with the two weeks notice. At this point many of the people in my field who have hiring authority know each other. So I try not to burn down a bridge I might want to cross again.

  12. Shady, thank you for stopping by. I was taught to give two weeks notice. Once I gave notice and the A-hole I worked for fired me the next day then told the Unemployment office I had quit and was not entitled to anything. His office manager actually stood up for me and I received my unemployment. I always wondered what happened to her.
