Saturday, July 26, 2014

Mary Poppins Has A Beef to Pick with the Government

Mary Poppins is a woman of a certain age and she's turning a song I've never liked into a statement. Thanks Funny or Die!




  1. This is great! I had no idea that Kristen Bell could sing like that.

  2. I just saw this clip. It was mentioned on the Chicago Tribune site. I found it very funny. It also gets the message across.

  3. That was good! Humorous and serious at the same time.

  4. jayne: me neither. actually, outside of fashion mags, I'm not sure who Kristen Bell is!

  5. bill: I wish I were this humorous all the time. I'd be much less angry.

  6. Pat! great to have you commenting.

  7. Supercallifragilisticexpialabullshit. Consider that awesome word added to my vocabulary. This was great.

  8. ha. nice. yes, the minimum will keep you under the poverty line...then again, try telling that to those in power...well they get their money from the ones that cant "afford" to pay their workers that...

  9. Brian, minimum sons can't afford to live on it and they share a small house with one other roomate. Each works two jobs & if they didn't receive tips they'd be really broke. I shudder to think what will happen if they get serious & get married. My husband and I were super broke when we married and the first 4 years of our lives. We had opportunnity, however, and eventually made it work. Those first four years were fraught with worry, fighting and frustration.
