Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Michelle O Rocks It

The first night of the DNC was one hit after another. Each speech lifted the listeners with positive message in sharp contrast to the angry speeches of the RNC which I watched every night 7p - conclusion.

Last night's speakers talked about the President: how his work, his legislation, has improved their lives. Instead of the self-aggrandizing focus of RNC speakers, the speeches soared with affirmation. It was POSITIVE and that's what stood out.

Michelle Obama knocked it out of the park. Here's a complete transcript of her speech.



  1. Wow! She is someone to really appreciate. I love myself some Michelle too. And I am an old woman living north of you (Washington state). Yayy for the Obamas.

  2. DJan & Judy: At the risk of sounding "girly", I also loved her dress, shoes & nail polish! :)

  3. Since the Republicans have become the party of "NO" negative speeches are their forte.

  4. Looking fwd to tonight. Nobody gives a speech like Pres. Clinton.
