Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Great White Hope

Wow. There just are no words for the display of hubris.



  1. I can't even make myself watch it.

  2. I believe the correct title should be "The Great White Dope".

  3. deja: it wasn't so bad...I mean, it was AWFUL! With Clint Eastwood the incredulity was raised and hilarity after the fact ensued with the memes #InvisibleObama and #Eastwooding on Twitter. I didn't stop reading and laughing til 1AM.

  4. It''s amazing how the name calling seems to be the only response or defense you all have to the horriblle policies of this administration. 23 million people out of work? He has had four years - give him another four? Really? What are you all supporting about this president? Being likeable? Please!!! He's not a leader and this "war on women" you all seem to hang on to is so totally bogus - but of course it's all you have.

  5. If you recall, there was The 12 years of Raygun and Bush 1 trashing the economy then Clinton did a good job fixing the mistakes of the two previous bozos. Lucky us, there was then 8 bad years of Bush 2. Obama, in less than 4 years is supposed to repair decades of republican made deficits? Get real.

  6. Kelley : I am with Bill on this. It's not a quick fix.

  7. You cannot continue to blame others. He took the job - we are having the worst recovery in the history of this country. All leaders inherit problems- the way a leader handles those problems is what sets him/her apart - the buck stops here! And Clinton brought on the recession in 1999 with sub prime mortgage- loaning to those who clearly could not afford the loan and it finally "popped" at the end of the Bush administration causing the recession. Clinton cleaning up the mess? I just spit up in my mouth a little bit - telling all our kids oral sex is not sex, cheating on his wife - that's what you call a leader????

  8. Kelley: I believe the Great Depression still qualifies as "the worst recovery in the history of this country."

    Clinton did repeal the Glass -Steagall Act voted in as law during FDR's presidency. It prevented financial institutions from brokering bank monies. One can make the connection that this huge mistake on his part led to gambling in risky ventures including the sub-prime market...all of which took place during the Bush administration.

    My in depth analysis of that & more may be found here:
