Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Repubs Find President's Immigration Policy Repugnant

There is nothing like Republican indignation over a political ploy designed to get Latino voters over to the Dark Side of re-electing President Barack Obama.



  1. You may have hit on something.  Some smart pinata person is going to come up with political pinatas we can beat the shit out of .  I'd start with Dick Cheney, then Rove, then Rumsfeld, and there's a reward inside.  I bet they'd sell big time!  I mean, there are people (I say that loosely) who love to hang and burn our presidents in effigy, Give them a bit less violent way  to express their, um, displeasure.  

  2. He's more consistently funny than Stewart now.  But I'd still marry Stewart if he asked.  

  3. I'd missed this.  Thanks so much for posting it.  Off to share!

  4.  I should have wrote the "Democrat's donkey".  I've even took a few swings at at a paper mache one before.

  5. Donkeys are a popular pinata shape in Mexico.  

  6. funny - I never thought of the donkey as a piƱata.

  7. I think it's from last night.  I caught it this morning.  They re-run he & Stewart throughout the day on Comedy Central.

  8. I hadn't seen that Colbert Report segment. It's brilliant. I loved it! Thanks for sharing. Still smiling...
