Tuesday, March 6, 2012

It's the Economic Divide, Stupid!

In a recent editorial, Bill Moyers made a case for the un-level playing field people are on; the inequality of life in America and the lack of opportunity where once there was so much hope.
We’re talking what it takes to live a decent life. If you get sick without health coverage, inequality matters.  If you’re the only breadwinner and out of work, inequality matters.  If your local public library closes down and you can’t afford books on your own, inequality matters.  If budget cuts mean your child has to pay to play on the school basketball team, sing in the chorus or march in the band, inequality matters. If you lose your job as you’re about to retire, inequality matters.  If the financial system collapses and knocks the props from beneath your pension, inequality matters.
Neither one of us grew up wealthy, but we went to good public schools, played sandlot ball at a good public park, lived near a good public library, and  drove down  good public highways – all made possible by people we never met and would never know. There was an unwritten bargain among generations: we didn’t all get the same deal, but we did get civilization.
On Sunday March 3,  Moyers & Company aired the encore broadcast of Winner-Take-All Politics: How Washington Made the Rich Richer — And Turned Its Back on the Middle Class  with the authors.

Robert Reich had this to say in today's blog post;   
The challenge at the heart of the productivity revolution – and it is a revolution – is how to distribute the gains. So far, we’ve been failing miserably to meet that challenge.
The share of the gains going to everyone else in the form of wages and salaries has been shrinking. It’s now the smallest since the government began keeping track in 1947.
If the trend continues, inequality will become ever more extreme.

Pretty poignant stuff.



  1. I've heard that before although it seems to be overshadowed by the economic meltdowns in Greece, Italy and Spain (I think).  Is France in good shape?  I know you'll know!  Thanks for stopping by. 

  2. There is nothing to say about this, but I need to leave a comment to let you know I hear you. I am continually bewildered these days by the country's trajectory. What happened to us

  3. I've been saying for years that we're on a path to becoming an industrialized banana republic. Right now, economic mobility is higher in many European countries (those with the high taxes and good social support) than here. What's wrong with this picture? 

  4. DJan, you are always a fan.  Thank you.  xo

  5. I used to believe that when people got fed up enough, there would be a rebellion that would improve things. But the power and resources are so concentrated in the hands of a few, I no longer know whether positive change is possible. Maybe after we become a third-world country and the rich and powerful all abandon the US....

  6. I know.  This is what bothers me most as well.  You and Une femme are saying the same thing.
