Monday, March 5, 2012

Hurt Rush Where It Counts...His Bank Account

Those of you outraged by the latest Rush Limbaugh stunt, excoriating a Georgetown law student as a "slut" and a "prostitute" for supporting health insurance coverage of contraception, NOW'S YOUR CHANCE.   Email, telephone, Tweet, Facebook your displeasure with the advertisers continuing to support his radio show.  

As of this moment, 12:36PM EST 3/5/2012, he has six advertisers left. AOL just dropped out.  They are:  Allstate, American Forces Network, Lear Capital, Tax Resolution Services, Hillsdale College (a right wing college my father wanted me to attend), Health Heart & Body.  

Help clear the decks and give the syndicators a reason to dump Rush. In the radio business, we call it  "No Pay, No Play".  And no, I'm not talking payola.  I'm talking advertising revenue.



  1. Did you see the video of Don Imus on Fox Business ripping the crap out of Limbaugh.  It was a thing of beauty, especially from Imus.

  2. No.  Every time I try to watch Fox, I end up vomiting in my waste basket.  It's just not worth the agony.  :)  I'll google it.

  3. I spent time over the weekend contacting sponsors; glad to know exactly which ones remain. American Forces Network is a big one as far as I'm concerned; our troops should not be subjected to his crap. I'm off to follow up. 

  4. I am a little late on this one but it's never too late to take up the cause.  Glad to hear you're contacting sponsors.  Having worked as a media buyer for a once major radio advertiser, Fotomat, I can assure you they take this seriously.  Clients do NOT want consumers up in arms about their products or politics.

  5. There was a heated discussion on my Facebook wall on this over the weekend. I do think it is time for Rush to "just go away".... 

  6. from our lips to Limbaugh advertisers to Clear Channel management...but don't count on it.
