Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hump Day Humor



  1. Yes.  I actually considered not posting this as it is too "real for comfort" making it not so funny after all.

  2. I often know I should condense my articles for the blog to shorter pieces but I like to quote & source my references.  I imagine the sheer length of the topic keeps people away.  I learn a great deal doing the research, however.

  3. good one.  What gets me confused (easy thing happens all the time) is why do so many low income and elderly people vote for the 1% supporters.

  4. :-) 

    Your humor is funny, even if it's way to real for comfort. 

  5. My husband and I ask one another this same question.  It's unfathomable.  He believes people get caught up in emotional issues such as labeling, e.g. "socialist", racism, oft repeated tag lines, e.g. "tax and spend Democrats".  They don't appear to study the issues, the implications, the projections.  They don't look at all sides.  It makes sense when you consider the influence of "spokespersons" or "talking heads" who exploit the fears of the average idiot.  

  6. well put....humor can get more across sometimes than a long speech....
