Monday, March 12, 2012

Forced Time Out

Tuesday morning @ 10:00AM, I'll be under the knife having a long over-due total knee replacement. I have put this off long enough (7 years) and am succumbing to advice from physical therapists, trainers and my friends.

I'll be out of commission for several weeks until the drugs wear off. No driving for 6 weeks and no idea when I'll return to work as I have to be able to navigate stairs with my crutches. We have serious stairs in both our home and where I work.

See you guys on the flip side. Wish me luck


  1. I know personally how a bad knee can get in the way of enjoying a full life, and you certainly have my best wishes for a successful surgery and a speedy  recovery. 

  2. I wish you all the best...successful surgery, speedy and smooth recovery!

  3. wishing you quick and good healing!
    (you should be able to get a few free drinks from this - right?)

  4. Yes, yes! wishing to luck and all the best! 

  5. 8 days later and I'm doing extremely well. Can't wait to leave the house to go to PT.  They come to the house but it's just the range of motion exercises right now.  
    Thank you for the support and advice.  

  6. Best of luck to you!  I had a hip replacement four years ago and it was one of the best things I've ever done for myself. It was so great to be out of pain! Here's wishing you a smooth procedure and speedy recovery. Your physical therapist will be your best friend; listen to her and do what she says. :-)

  7. Here's hoping you'll be dancing on the table tops and kicking ass soon, my friend.  Best wishes...

  8. How 'bout dancing with my walker?  Actually, I'm moving right along and the walker is easy to negotiate.  When I had my hips replaced, I had to use crutches and movement restrictions were significant.  This is so much easier.  

  9. So far so good.  In fact, I'm doing fantastic as far as my ability to move my parts.  It's a long recovery til I'm 100% but, according to the doctor, that's the whole enchilada.  I will be driving in another month and able to go back to work in another 2 weeks if somebody drives me.  Thank God for the computer & telephone.  Thanks for all the good thoughts.  

  10. Not as long as I'm on the meds.  

    They are horrible, really.  It's the part I dread the most because I'm low tolerance and always have reactions.  I'm starting to stretch out the dosages which is great.   Thanks for the positive thoughts. 

  11. Thanks Judy.  I stayed in the hopsital 3 days.  They sprung me and it's much better at home.   We're having unexpectedly spectacular weather this week so it's like having time off at the beginning of Summer.

  12. Thank you Mildred!  Must have worked because God is already in my corner.  My progress is spectacular.  Yay!

  13. Praying for and celebrating in advance your total recovery.

  14. Been there with the walker.  I had to use one for several weeks after I broke my neck.   Sure.  Put on some tunes and dance with it.  What the hell.   Glad you're up and about.

  15. I haven't been "normal" in 12 years because of the degenerative osteoarthritis issues.  First hip replacement 11 years ago; second hip replacement 6 years ago and now, a new knee.  Hopefully third time's the charm.
