Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I Voted Today in the "1st in the Nation" NH Primary

I just returned from voting in the New Hampshire Primary.  

"Primary?" you say.  "You're voting in the Republican primary?"

I'm voting in the NH Primary and there is a Democratic ballot.  It's one of 17 states designated "Open Primary" although it is technically a "semi-Open Primary" state for reasons stated below: 
It is not a closed primary, in which votes can be cast in a party primary only by people registered with that party. Undeclared voters — those not registered with any party — can vote in either party primary. However, it does not meet a common definition of an open primary, because people registered as Republican or Democrat on voting day cannot cast ballots in the primary of the other party.[1]  Wikipedia
Reported results thus far from our two smallest precincts who voted 12:01AM this morning.

Dixville Notch, NH  has 9 registered voters. They turn out 100%.

         Barack Obama    3 votes
         Mitt Romney        2 votes
         Jon Huntsman      2 votes
         Newt Gingrich      1 vote                                 
         Ron Paul              1 votes          

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Indecision 2012 - New Hampshire GOP Debates - Moderate Extremes
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  1. Nice to see the top vote getter's name.  I am faintly encouraged.

  2. I didn't wear an Obama sticker but I did give a big thumbs up to the Obama supporters standing outside the polling place.

  3. What's my California Girl doing on the other coast? I didn't realize you lived there, so I guess you could consider me surprised. 

  4. Wish I were there! SC has an open primary and I'm psyched. But, seriously, I wish I were there. Somebody by my house, please!

  5. Patti_NotDeadYetStyleAugust 18, 2012 at 11:21 AM

    Awesome results!

  6. Thanks for that Colbert! Sometimes I think I should be living in New Hampshire instead of Iowa. 

  7. 9 registered voters - Wasn't the number difference in Iowa 8 votes?
    The 100% is super.  How can we increase voter participation ?  It's embarrassing to have 50% considered a good turn out.

  8. I thought you knew I lived in N.H.  We left San Diego in 1997 to get our kids out of SoCal while they were young.  Did NOT want to raise them there.  

    Some day I'll tell the story of how we picked N.H.

  9. Welcome!  Just checked out your blog & became a follower of "Mature Landscaping".  I'm going back later to read your post on pain.  Love the fact you're a Lib living in SC.  Can't be easy tho'.  We lived in Richmond, VA 8 yrs and the majority of our friends were Conservatives.  sigh.  Made for some exciting dinner parties.

  10. Thanks Patti.  I was hoping to link to your profile but your ID doesn't link.  

    I hope you come back soon.  Send me your blog url.  

  11. I dated a guy from Des Moines in college.  My neighbors were from Dubuque when I was first married & living in KY. That was the Seventies.   I'd say you Iowans get around pretty well.  

  12. I voted yesterday in NH too! My first "crossover".  I think we're following some of the same paths...


  13. Welcome Carole!  Good for you.  Hope you come back to the blog and I'm happy you voted here.  It was fun to vote Democratic in a Republican primary.  No way can you do that in California.  At least, you couldn't when I last lived there.  Independents, once upon a time, were not allowed to vote in CA Primaries either.  I think that has changed.

  14. Colbert is certainly a serious comedian but I guess most of them are.  I just like the political ones.  Sure do miss Carlin.

  15. Voting's compulsory here so you have to at least turn up. I like to think that if people actually get to the polls they might at least exercise their right. ACtually I worked at a polling booth a few times and not many people donkey vote so I guess it works.

  16. "faintly encouraged" ...is that like "cautiously optimistic"?  ha!

  17. I meant the 100% refers to the total turnout in Dixville Notch.  I honestly don't know what the overall turnout was for this primary.  Those-in-the-know were expecting a light turnout.  

  18. It's really too bad Colbert couldn't get himself on the ballot.   That's someone I could actually vote for.   What a freak show.

  19. OMG! I wish we could do that here! Living in a Republican county, I would love to show up with an Obama sticker on my chest! Ha!

  20. "Voting is compulsory"?  Wow!  Wish that were the case here. How does your country, state or community, enforce it?
