Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Betty White "I'm 90 years old."

Couldn't have said it better...I hope I'm as feisty at her age.  I certainly think this way!



  1. I know! Right? Did you watch her birthday special? Or her new elderly punk'd show? So funny. My favorite was the elderly nun on a scooter passing by a couple saying "Get the F out of my way." They move and she so sweetly says "God bless."

  2. She has a good point.  I certainly would not want vaginas (you ladies use VJ's for that?) to replace all ball/nut references.  Truck VJ's would look even worse than truck nuts.
    Hey it would be great for you to share this funny post over on Lisleman's Left-over Laughs.  LLL #5 will be up for a few more days.  Oh now that I'm in this promotion mode let me say there are some funny links up there now.  So join in the sharing.

  3. Happy birthday, Betty! She's a treasure for sure. I have sort of outgrown many of the characters that I once thought were cool... but Betty, she's sure not one of them! 

  4. Thank you for that..... I missed her party!

  5. Oh, we say all sorts of things when it comes to referencing our "lady parts".  Most of them are funny, with one exception...I do not like the "C" word.  It's offensive.  

    As for your LLL...I'll find it and post.  

  6. Seen it before but she's amazing isn't she? Just did a rap video clip!

  7. This quote circulated around my book club. When I'm ninety, I want to be just like Betty White!

  8. Wish my MIL had her wit, her energy & her money!

  9. Me too but, you don't need a televised party, just reruns of MTM Show.

  10. She's a trip.  I loved the MTM show and Sue Ann Nivens was the highlight.  Could not wait to see her seduce whatever male was in her line of sight.

  11. Me too.  With my luck and longevity genes, I'll be there soon enough.
