Monday, June 21, 2010

Welcome Summer!!!!!

June Balloon by Cole Scott Images

Today is the first day of Summer aka summer solstice aka the longest day of the year.  Solstice only happens twice a year, summer and winter, and refers to the sun's position in the sky reaching either its northernmost or southernmost extreme as the earth's axis tilts away from or towards the sun.   That's about as technical as I can get and I stole that from Wikipedia!


  1. Happy Summer Solstice! I steal stuff from Wiki all the time!

  2. Well, I for one was impressed! Happy solstice!

  3. Happy Solstice! And what a striking image!

  4. Haššy Solstice! I'd be glad to see sme summer over here, too ... not this year, it seems ... :(

  5. Susan: I wouldn't even look @ Wiki for the first few years. I figured it was unreliable. I decided to look up things I knew about to see how accurate it was. It was quite accurate. I still double check myself and look for more in-depth info but it's great in a pinch.

    Grandmother: Thanks. I couldn't pretend I knew that even if I did study astronomy etc in college.

    Vicki: Our little valley had a hot air balloon wknd recently and my husband took lots of photos. This is the best one, artistically.

    Hi Minka! Where've you been? I'm coming over.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Well that's very good news, it means today is our shortest day so it's all downhill from here! Great shot, love the colour. Then I always do.

  8. I love the color, too! But remember that your blogging buddies Down Under are experiencing the winter solstice!

  9. Hot air balloon? My sister was in Galena territory this weekend and got to see these. I'm seeing them around the bloggy hood quite a bit. They're not only colorful...but look like great fun!
    Happy Solstice!

  10. That's a stunning perspective!! Very unusual.
    I just bought a sweater at the Seattle Pike Place market in those colours...

  11. Like your colourful picture! :) I had a summer solstice post yesterday too. And I use Wikipedia a lot, I usually find it a good place to start when looking for more info about almost anything.

  12. Happy Summer Solstice! I was beginning to think summer would never get here.

  13. Wikipedia or not, that was VERY informative, thank you! Happy Summer! Let's go have some fun out there!!
