Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Helen Mirren Poses Nude @ 65

Ya gotta love it.  She's sixty five and goin' for it.  I couldn't do it but I admire her resolve.  She certainly has the elan of a "women of a certain age".

Mirren, who turns 65 next month, is promoting her new movie 'Love Ranch,' in which she plays the madam of a real-life seventies Reno whorehouse. The film is directed by her husband, Taylor Hackford, who tried to take her to the Nevada ranch for some research.

When her husband tried to convince her to spend a night at the Mustang Ranch, Mirren refused. "I said, 'Read my lips: I'm not going to spend a night in a brothel.' " In the end, she dispensed with research and simply took direction. "It's amazing how quickly you get into dildos everywhere and pink-feather handcuffs. Within an hour you're completely used to it." 

The Huffington Post   June 23, 2010


  1. Helen's my hero. Sixty five and baring it all. Gotta love her! Maybe she can rid the stigma of being invisible after 50.
    Thanks for an encouraging post.

  2. OMG! I love it! That woman has cojones! She's also one of my top favorite actresses.

  3. Helen is a beautiful woman for any age, and she's pretty darned buff. I saw some pictures of her bikini body not long ago and was totally impressed.

  4. She is awesome. I actually know a 32 year old who's a little in love with her, all 65 years of her!

  5. I LOVE THIS! Yes to our bodies as they are! I turn 65 in 7 months and have been looking for a way to mark this birthday. Hmmmm...

  6. Helen is gorgeous. I don't even care whether she's had a nip or a tuck.

  7. Helen Mirran is the definition of one great, great broad.

  8. She gives hope to one of almost 63.

  9. Mirren is the ultimate liberated woman! She is so comfortable in her own skin, pardon the expression. Her range as an actress is vast, as demonstrated in her roles in "Calendar Girls" and "The Queen".

  10. I wonder if now she wishes she had done that earlier? Personally, I won;t be going to see her nude. I like to think of there as The Queen too much. LOL.

  11. that's hilarious. you've got to love Helen.

  12. i like to see her when i'm sober,besides the bath tub photo off her!!!! well water holds any ones tits up. and a whole lot of air brush dumb asses out their really believe your going to look like her at 65 !! what is nice about her is her lovely slender body can you lard asses beat that.

  13. I'm officially 76 [may even be 77]. I still wear a bikini and everyone says I look great. So what? Nothing to be ashamed of--quite the contrary!
