Friday, January 1, 2010

Ch Ch Cha Changes

Hosta III by Laura Trevey
As most of you know by now, my husband and I put our house on the market 10/25/09, sold it 10/26/09, closed on it 12/04/09 and were already moved in to my MIL's farm house.  After a hasty preparation for Christmas, our older son's visit home and our younger son's return from Europe, we are now preparing for the new decade with a whole lotta unknowns ahead.

If last night is any indication of what to expect, it will be a happy one.  We celebrated the coming of the new year with close friends at an elegant wine bistro, a four course meal paired with wines, a fireworks display at the park across the street and snowflakes the size of small ornaments, fluffy and falling all around us.  There was a glow in the village from the blue moon hiding behind the clouds, the lamp lights decorated with red velvet beribboned wreaths and the streets were full of happy visitors and locals wearing 2010 tiaras and hats, blowing little horns and laughing.  Everyone seemed to be in good moods.  The sense of anticipation was palpable.  Many are thrilled to see the old decade depart.

My husband and I both felt it was the best New Year's eve of our adult lives.  He described it as "magical".  We were with friends, we had wonderful food, beautiful weather, gaiety and love.  We closed the night out in our favorite bar owned by friends, drinking champagne and chatting about skiing, family and just plain stuff.

We are blessed and we know it.  So many are not.  But I choose to be selfish today and share my happiness.  Tomorrow I will think again of those less fortunate and my contributions to changing the world.


  1. That sounds like an absolutely grand celebration. I think everyone would have loved to have had that ... joy is what everyone can appreciate.

    Tomorrow you can go fix the woes of the world ...

  2. You sold your house in ONE freakin' day! Geez Louise! We probably couldn't sell ours in one YEAR!

    Your New Year's Eve does sound magical! Much more magical than trying to get 3 grandkids to go to sleep and passing out from exhaustion at 10:00 p.m.!! Where did I go wrong?!! lol

  3. Beauties like you described are essential for balance, I think. You noticed everything - the lights, laughter, conversation, food, wine. Enjoying our lives is something we all can do, whatever our circumstances. I agree that we are incredibly fortunate, and we can't forget it. It sounds like your New Year's Eve will be a good foundation for a year of paying attention.

  4. Sharing happiness is always a MUST!
    The world is always full of happiness and saddness at the same time, so spreading the good that happiness brings is very important, don't you think?

    I look forward to hearing about your new living arrangements in 2010.

  5. I'm glad to read you had a happy start of 2010! I wish you all good to continue in your life. You deserve it!

  6. i think its necessary not selfish

    Wishing you a year full of such blessedness

  7. CG: that post will go down today as one of the things that made me smile and feel really, really happy! What a wonderful way to start the new year! I am anticipating more good to come!! Happy New Year!

  8. Sounds like a fabulous time! Wishing you all the best of everything in 2010!

  9. Nothing the least bit wrong with showing your happiness. Without that, the world would be a truly miserable place, not just for some, but everyone.
    Your enchanted evening sounds like a wonderful start to a year of possibilities. Good luck and Happy New Year!

  10. Wow. It sounds like you touched all the bases and done everything just right.
