Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Mirror Mirror On the Wall

Every Christmas, Santa fills my stocking with delightful small items; but this year he blew it.  This year, he  included something I viewed with intuitive alarm:  a small, round extreme magnification make up mirror.  Now, I don't know about you, but when you are a women of a certain age, you do not want to view yourself in the extreme.  You may need an average magnifying mirror in order to better see your face without squinting while you apply makeup.  Extreme is another matter. The number of times this thing enlarged my eye was so unexpected and abrupt, I dropped it in dismay. 

I look in the mirror every morning before and after makeup.  I am an optimist.  I generally feel I have very few lines or wrinkles or even age spots.  My skin is still on the oily side so I haven't the crepe paper texture so often associated with aging.  However, this mirror shows all my blemishes, crow's feet, enlarged pores and more.  It's like putting myself under a microscope and recoiling from what I now see.  Aarrggh! 

Don't get me wrong, I am trying very hard to age gracefully, sans face lifts, botox and whatever else people use to slow the process.  But, I still have my illusions and that mirror will shatter them if I keep it.  Can't break it as I'll have seven years of bad luck.

I think I'll wrap it and give it to one of my friends.

Photo from


  1. Re-gifting is perfectly acceptable! Especially an evil tool such as that mirror! Don't want one in my house. I prefer to preserve the illusion that my blurred vision gives me! Uh-huh...

  2. Yes, who needs a magnifying glass at an age when we know what it is we want, and it's not a date with Justin Timberlake.

  3. We certainly don't need more magnification than is absolutely necessary, I agree.

  4. I'm laughing. I am imagining you peering into your new mirror, wondering whether to squeeze that blackhead or leave it alone. How about that long black hair? Shall you pluck it out now or when you get back from the shops? Is that the signs of high cholesterol in your left eye? Is your hairline receding?? chuckle, chuckle.
    Happy New Year to you.
    Blessings, Star

  5. Haha got a giggle out of this one! I hate to admit it but I actually need one. I can't put my lippy on without wearing my glasses then I have to put on mascara virtually in a blur. Maybe those flip top glasses would do the trick and that way I could avoid the open pores that I don't think I've got!

  6. I have one too. I kept mine, I even bought it myself. Mostly it's for plucking hairs. I told my kids that I could see hairs in it that you couldn't see with the naked eye. They said in unison: EXACTLY.

  7. Was this a gift from a friend? I'd only regift it to someone who wasn't high on my most affectionate list...I can think of a few folks who I would love to imagine peering woefully at every new wrinkle triple size!

  8. I have to agree with Ruth! I got one of these things too, not long ago and my strategy is to only look at a small area of my face at a time. It reduces the negative impact considerably!

  9. I actually considered buying a magnification mirror while puttering at the drugstore waiting for my Rxs today and then thought, no, I really don't need to see myself that close up as it might be too depressing. Best to live with the happier, unseen me.

  10. Ladies: have you noticed that, thus far, all comments are from the female gender? Don't think the guys care what they see in the mirror up close. LOL!

  11. My wife bought one of these at the $dollar store and it does make things look super size. Your nose takes on a whole new dimension.

    Just wanted to say thanks for your visits and comments. I hope to get back on my feet soon and start posting again.

  12. Wow you are going get rid of your manifying mirror! Now that is a sign of a self assured woman. Now me--last week I found a hair growing on my face that I could have put a curler in. I am still too shallow to get rid of mine.

  13. My first visit here and I have to comment on the magnifying mirror.
    My sweet sister has told her girls and her sisters to keep a watch on her if she is sick in hospital and be sure to pluck the long hairs if we see one. I might need to get a magnifying glass to find hair on her face, but I see my own quite well.
