Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Template Tryout

My husband has been strongly suggesting I change my blog template for a while now. Hates the polka dots. While I wasn't married to the polka dots, I was comfortable with the idea they do not detract from my words or images and, as I am married to him and respect his artistic eye, I am giving a new template a try. Plus, I've noticed several new templates out there with my fellow bloggers. You know who you are.

So, feedback from you all, ya'll, youse guys, etc. would be most appreciative.


  1. It's a nice look. The header looks sort of newsletter like. I don't know if that's good or bad.

    Coincidentally, I was playing around with different templates today but then went back to my simple basic black on white.

    What does the number 565 mean?

  2. There are loads of templates out there but you have to be clever with html and I'm an abject beginner. I like the pale green background but then . . .I'm biased . . mine's pale green too! Put a pic on your masthead.

  3. I am trying to picture the last one (I am familiar with the polka dot template, but for some reason I don't remember that in relation to you!) - but I know I liked it.

    This one is fine, I like the simple, soft green. I agree a header image would be nice.

  4. Good suggestions. I am partial to the ones with header images tho' I've no idea how to do that. I am sure there are instructions in the layout. After the weeks of effort on getting my blogs to post to the Readers because of some html mistake I made but could not find, the idea of reading another "how to" is more than I can bear.

  5. It is fun but time consuming to play around with all the templates. I keep changing mine too most months… but now am either too busy or too lazy. I think I like the old layout better. This one is nice, but agree the top is too formal.

  6. The only person you need to please is yourself, but I must say I preferred the old layout. If you like a more open one, you can try Minima Stretch, which is what I use. The blog header photos are pretty easy, but it does take a little time to lay everything out.

    I always edit my photos on Picasa and do the writing there. Then you right click on the pic and choose Save Picture as... Then on your layout screen upload the pic to the header section. Be sure to check "instead of title and description" and "shrink to fit" before you click on "save".

    I'm sure this was clear as mud, and I'm not an expert by any means, but if I can be of help, you can email me at susandroh at gmail dot com.

  7. Judy: thanks for your input.

    Susan: OMG, then I'll have to learn Picasa. aaaaahhhhh no no no but you have good suggestions.

    If I'm not too tired, I'll try another template tonight.

  8. I love the pale green. What is the 565 in the header??? California Girl, please yourself!! We'll enjoy whatever you choose!

  9. I agree with the others. Header may be a little too "industrial" looking for as pretty as the rest of your site it. You have such beautiful pictures throughout the rest. But I'm very new at this, so I'm just learning and trying things out myself. Love all the beautiful flowers you show.

  10. I liked your other one better, I think. And I love, love, love the pictures you always have on the sidebar and other places. Colorful and soft. But you have to go with one that you are happy with - we will adjust - and be back for your terrific writing!

  11. Tanna: no idea what the number means; part of the template design. glad it's not "666".

    Nina: I think you are right. It is too industrial.

    LOL: I like the other one too but I guess I'm ready for a change. Thank you for the compliments as always. xo

  12. I think this is really neat
    i like ur website. thanks for this comment posting...
    more templates

  13. Funny that he has such strong convictions.
