Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The First 100 Days

Interesting set of events to mark the first 100 days of the Obama administration. This Arlen Specter defection to the Democratic party is something else. The pundits are all over it. I mean, when conservative talk show host, Joe Scarborough says he can't credit his party with much of anything for the past eight years except out of control spending and the deficit etc.,(Morning Joe 4/29/09) where are the Republicans going to turn?

Recent surveys show President Obama's likability quotient at 81%; his approval rating at 61%. This means whether or not people agree with his policies, they like the guy. Pundits say they haven't seen this kind of swing since Reagan. This gives President Obama an incredible leg up when it comes to making policy. Even more dramatic is the announcement by Republican Senator Arlen Specter that he is switching parties. He's gonna be a Democrat because the Republican party can no longer help him win in Pennsylvania. As former statistician turned political commentator Chuck Todd ruminated, the Republican party is about to become sequestered in the southeastern states. They have lost the Northeast, the Midwest and the Mid-Atlantic states. They would have lost Arizona during the presidential election except McCain is still standing. Once Al Franken is confirmed as the official winner of the Minnesota senate race, the Democrats will have a filibuster-proof 60 seats in the Senate.

It's impossible to judge anyone the first 100 days. As for the Democratic party, now is when the real work begins. No more excuses about the Republicans holding them back. Dems have the obligation to make things happen. We need health care reform, financial reform, you name it, we need it.

Time to roll up our sleeves and "git 'er done" before the donkey party figures out a way to come back.


  1. Couldn't agree more. Now let's see if the people of this nation have what it takes to get the job done.

  2. Yes, well said. Hope the Dems live up to the expectations!

  3. As Elvis would say, "Thank you. Thank you very much."

    I'm watching the President's news conference right now.

  4. This is so interesting to me because we have this perception that Americans are all right wing warmongering baptist ratbags . . .damage done by your previous President I'm afraid. I like this guy not only is he deliciously handsome but he's finally bringing social democracy (no I didn't say socialism) to the fore. I think taxes should benefit all and not just the rich. He's been bang on with financial reform. A long way to go but so far, I'm impressed. If he can nail the war and get health care on the Agenda . . I'd move to America to vote him in again!

  5. Baino: yes, my friends from Switzerland go home every year and while "W" was in the White House, they would come back to the US shaking their heads with respect to the European view of our govt and the idiots who elected that jerk. Things have improved radically with Obama (in terms of how we are now being know, like there's actually HOPE).

  6. Yes, California Girl, that's exactly what it looks like from over here. Obama had huge support in Europe (not that it helped him directly or anything). The only question really is, how much can one person change and what is it that we don't see...

  7. None of us know what to expect long term but I feel most of us, even the moderate Republicans, are hopeful Pres. Obama will lead us out of the morass. What don't we see? Who can say? I honestly see a guy I believe in, a man who means what he says, a man of principal. Sounds pretty naive but I do. If this man is not what he seems, I give up.

  8. I know. And I agree. Absolutely.

    Except for that little tiny bit of doubt that only makes us, humans, normal. I bet you have that, too.

    Let's wait what time shows and keep our fingers crossed, shall we?

  9. It just popped into my head right now: the way you "correct" yourself, Baino, it looks like mentioning socialism would be a mortal sin... LOL... LOL

    It does seem quite unbelievable nowadays, yes.

  10. You are so interesting, Minka. I feel as though I know you well. That's what these blogs do, yes?

    Right now I'm adding new music to my pop out player and titling it "Kick Ass Girl Singers" because it's all rockin' women I like!

  11. Yes, that's what these blogs do... If I ever travel to the US, we have to have a cup of coffee... not very likely, though, I quite like being at home... :D
