Monday, April 13, 2015

People Who Live in Glass Houses: Carly Fiorina

I watched an interview with Carly Fiorina on "Morning Joe" today.  She is a person of interest to the press as they fully expect her to announce she's running for the Republican party's presidential nomiination along with Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Marco Rubio and who knows who else.

Carly Fiorina is the former failed CEO of Hewlett Packard, failed candidate for U.S. Senator from California and a vicious campaigner unafraid of spinning her opponents in a negative light; examples her "Hot Air Barbara Boxer" ad and the infamous "demon sheep" ad.

She received a nice beat down this morning at the hands of "Morning Joe" host Mika Brezinski and financier and former advisor to President Obama, Steve Rattner.  Notice her talking points: "wrapping peoples lives in webs of dependence" (very Elizabeth Warren), "there's a big difference between management and leadership", "blemishes", "it's a problem" (rallying cry), blah blah blah.

Oh Carly, Carly, Carly... 



  1. LOVE what Carly has to say. She has very little chance of being elected but it will be fun to watch the liberal media act hysterical at yet another Republican woman like they did with Sarah Palin.

  2. She couldn't get herself elected as dog catcher in California; I suspect it will be a short-lived campaign.

  3. Anon, thank you for commenting. Do you really see Carly Fiorina in the same light as Sarah Palin? Personally, I think Ms. Fiorina is a much more serious, less flamboyant potential candidate. I just happen to think she is the wrong candidate but I would take her more seriously than a Sarah Palin.

  4. Pseu, You bring up a good point...what do the good people of CA think of her? One of the articles I read said she rejects running for the Senate again but not Gov of CA.

  5. Maybe someone could offer me some historical facts for why a business success would lead to success in a public office? Sure there are similar problems in both business and government but I believe there are as many or more differences between them.

  6. Bill, she's being asked that question and will continue to have to respond. While I don't discount someone from private enterprise can be an effective holder of public office, they need to be willing to answer the hard questions and not side step them or come up with a bunch of silly talking points. Otherwise, they're just like every other politician.

  7. She's got no credibility in California. We'd pretty much laugh her off the ballot if she tried to run for anything here again.

  8. Jayne, une femme is like minded which is good to hear as you are both Californians. Not sure the rest of the country would hold that against her, however.

  9. After two years, I'm back looking at blogs and there you still are! stopping in to say hi! Judy from Iowa

  10. Hey there!
    I've been pretty much absent from the blogging world for about six months. I just started back up and stopped in here. I see that you are also absent.
    I hope everything is going well for you...

  11. I'm really well Pat. I sent you a personal response.

    Just into other things altho' my blog post thoughts are beginning to jell with the upcoming election.

    A very happy Jon Stewart's replacement, Trevor Noah, is so smart, funny and CUTE. Just want to pinch his cheecks. He makes me laugh as much as Stewart did.

  12. So, what do you think of the way the election really did turn out?

    Miss your blogging, by the way. Hope you're well.
