Monday, January 5, 2015

Now That We Have a Republican Majority in Both Houses of Congress... about a little reality check?



  1. Amen! I hardly know what to hope for in the coming months.

  2. I did read about a study that concluded Democrats in the White House boast the economy on average more than the others. I think the pro-labor attitude is the reason for it.

  3. It will be business as usual. Nothing will get done, because the President will veto all of their stupid legislation antics.

    I'm so not looking forward to 2016.

  4. Bliss, I feel skepticism.

    Lisleman, you should see Clinton's record after Reagan & his "shining city" of bullshit.

    Susan, agree.

    Deb, sometimes agree. I still have hope (not intended as a pun on original Obama campaign, however...)

  5. In my humble opinion, these facts prove one thing loud and clear. The hatred and negativity directed towards the president, is motivated by his race. That is what bothers me the most about the whole thing.

  6. Pat, my husband says the same thing about Obama's race being the flashpoint. I hate to think so. A very interesting blog I like to read, very political, is Field Negro. He's in my sidebar, "Blogs I'm Reading" if you want to check him out.

  7. Thanks for the link. I'll check it out.
