Saturday, January 10, 2015

And Now for a Moment of Reflection in this Age of Insanity

"North Ledge Blue" copyright Cole Scott Photography

This image was shot by my husband at least 6 years ago in the front yard of our home on the hill.  It's the home in which we raised our boys and have so many happy memories.  We sold it 5 years ago and moved in with the MIL, temporarily, only to discover she was no longer capable or solvent enough to take care of the 2 acres and old farmhouse in which she lives.  She just turned 88 and we're still in the farm house.  It's one of those ongoing fixer uppers.  My husband does a great job all around.  

Today is our fortieth anniversary with 3 years off for good behaviour when wwe decided to divorce!

Forty years ago a young bride of 23.  My how time flies.



  1. Happy Anniversary! That's a stunning photo.

  2. Happy Anniversary! Forty years (even with the time off) is quite an accomplishment in anyone's book.

    Lovely photo!

  3. Pseu, thank you. My husband is truly an artist.

  4. Susan, forty years is unimaginable. Remember when the Boomer mantra was "Never trust anyone over 30"? And now I'm married longer than the age in years...

  5. "3 years off for good behaviour" - I have heard of a few people who have split and then remarried. I believe my wife knows someone that went through that. Relationships work/fail in so many ways. I (does anyone?) certainly don't understand it.

  6. Wow, happy anniversary! My parents just barely celebrated their 30th, and I am a wee whelp going on 4 years.

    Also, love the picture. Very haunting.

  7. Beer Boy, a "wee whelp" indeed! Thanks for the compliments. My husband loves tree shots.

  8. Happy Anniversary. And the photo is lovely.

  9. 40 years is a remarkable achievement. Congratulations, my friend. What a gorgeous photo.

    P.S. I totally recall the mantra about not trusting anyone over 30. On my 30th birthday, I stayed in bed with a bottle of tequila and just cried.

  10. jayne, OMG you didn't. I was divorced by my 30th b-day. Had a new love & was thinking of marrying him. The story of how I ended up back with my husband is a story for another day...
