Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

In case you haven't heard, New England had a huge Nor'easter go through yesterday.  In 24 hours, we received 10" fresh snow in our back yard.  

Here's what we woke up to this fine and sunny Thanksgiving morning. 

10" new snow on our deck benches.  I measured.

From my kitchen windows

Backyard creek shot from 2nd story window


  1. Beautiful! It's a lot to deal with, but it's gorgeous.

  2. It's so beautiful! Happy Thanksgiving, friend. :-)

  3. Bliss: Happy Turkey Day! Hope yours is awesome.

  4. DJan, Happy Turkey Day to you as well. We're going out. My sons are on a road trip which I'll write about. The MIL doesn't want to go out today with all the snow & I couldn't see cooking for 3. Soooo, heading to a nice hotel with reliable holiday meals.

  5. Fresh snow with some sunshine looks great if you don't need to drive through it. Hey I survived T-day with the in-laws. Hope you had a good one too.

  6. Hope all went well on your holiday.

    My town in southern Massachusetts got very little snow, luckily.

  7. Hi Debbie, what a beautiful view from your window! We got our big snow last week, but it was only 4 inches. A pretty one though, just like yours.

    It's good to see you're still blogging. Not many of my old blog friends are these days.


  8. Bill L: We survived w/o the inlaws because the only 1 left, my MIL, who lives with us, bailed on going out to dinner. We were not disappointed!

  9. Foxy, I heard you guys didn't get much snow. My "other child" (like a daughter to me) lives in the Boston area and said not much happened.

  10. Susan!!!! Just hit the link to your new blog to see if it was really you. So happy to hear from you and see your lovely new blog which I'll add to my blog roll. I hope you are doing well. I have thought of you often. Let's stay in touch. xoxoxoxo

  11. Yeah, I'm about 50 miles from Boston -- Massachusetts isn't that small, haha -- but we didn't get much, either.

  12. All of them are beautiful scenes. But, brrr! I hope you enjoyed your thanksgiving also.

  13. Hey Foxy, I understand it was close to 50 in BOS yesterday. Well, brace yourself for the Nor'easter!

  14. Pat, now you see why I miss SoCal so often.
