Wednesday, October 1, 2014

You Saw This Coming...



  1. We now live in the United States of Fuckupistan. Seriously, is there nothing we can get right anymore? Hard to believe that the Nixon years would actually be thought of as the good ol' days.

  2. Those cartoons made me laugh. Ruefully. Yes, we saw this coming.

  3. I'm sure there is a whole story behind this mess but the bottom line is the protection of the President has slipped. I hope they get it right quickly. Social media allows too many nuts to hear/read voices.
    Hey I did include a joke about this on a recent post.

  4. jayne: "Fuckupistan". I like it. Good title for a post.

    If my father were alive he'd be saying we hamstring our police, FB & SS too much with human rights rules. I am beginning to think we need to make a clean sweep of many of these departments and start over, from the top down. Or, is that the problem?

  5. DJan, yesterday morning, the new W.H. media person, Josh Earnest, (whose demanor AND name irritate the shit out of me) had to answer questions as to whether Julia Pierson would be asked to resign. "Oh no, the White House has faith in her abilities blah blah blah" and I thought, "He's lying." Shitty job, I am sure, but his ability to dissemble sucks.

  6. Bill, that IS a funny joke. As my husband, channeling Bugs Bunny, would say, "What a bunch of maroons."

  7. Love the cartoons!
    It really isn't the "best of times" anymore. It seems we find a way to screw up everything possible. Scary stuff...

  8. Pat, yes. I thought they were pretty funny.

  9. that someone took pot shots at the white house and it took them a while to notice is fairly apalling....

  10. Brian, you sweet thing. good to hear from you.

    We recently heard the President's life (Pres. Obama) has been in danger more times than any other in recent memory. I forget the exact quote but it seems plausible. He's black, he's liberal, he's a champion of healthcare, women's rights. Most of all, he's black. I am convinced that one fact is enough to put him in harm's way. He's been very fortunate so far. These publicized screw ups are probably the tip of the iceberg.
