Thursday, September 11, 2014

Does Time Heal All Wounds?

Thirteen years ago today our country experienced its most cataclysmic event of the brand new 21st Century.  Two airliners, hijacked by Al Qaeda terrorists, flew into the twin towers of the World Trade Center.  A third hijacked plane flew into the Pentagon and a fourth plane was taken down by the brave passengers aboard who overcame their abductees, choosing to die with honor. But it seems so much more recent.  Perhaps it's because we're still fighting the terrorists and we've not had closure; perhaps because the wound is so raw.  I saw this photograph on Twitter and felt compelled to post. It's so different from the others commemorating this day in 2001.  

I'm flying from Boston to SoCal tomorrow.  I'm not on American or United but my original plans were to leave today until my husband pointed out it would be 9-11.  I had forgotten but, then, it was only May.

I've nothing to add other than I fear for our men and women in the armed forces.  We are now tasked with going back to fight ISIS/ISIL.  Obama says no boots on the ground, but we know how that goes.

God help us and be with us.  



  1. Amen. Will war be a fact of life for the whole of my life? I hope not.

  2. DJan! Hi. You're on. I'm getting ready to hit the hay on the east coast. Flying west tomorrow hoping for uneventful trip.

  3. Pat, just back from a 10 day trip to SoCal. Had an absolute blast in spite of the record heat. Got there & back w/o a hitch flying, driving, etc. Imagine, both planes, to & from LAX departed & arrived on time. What a concept!

  4. I'm glad you had a good time out here. It isn't often that things go that smoothly around LAX. We're up the coast trying to escape the heat. Unfortunately, it seems to have followed us.

  5. Pat, two couples from home (SFV) have just been to visit us. They are both thankful to be out of the heat.
