Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Good Bye to All That

Robin Williams  1951-2014
Lauren Bacall 1924-2014


  1. Heartbroken over Robin, but happy to think of Bogie and Bacall together again.

  2. Simple, but effective, tribute. Both amazing. RW far too young to go.

  3. DJan, I bet a lot of people think that about Bogart & Bacall. Sweet!

  4. Mike, welcome! Thanks for the compliment. I'm seldom this economical word-wise.

  5. DJan said it best! So happy you've got your boys back safe and sound.. hope they enjoyed their time in Oz :)

  6. Perth, thanks for visiting! They LOVED their 12 mos in OZ. They drove the circumference of the continent, stopping here & there to work and make money. They began & ended in Byron Bay then spent 4 more months in Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia. They said Perth is beautiful. I was thrilled to have them home. It was a long time without my boys.

  7. Both will be sadly missed by yours truly.

  8. I'm watching the Emmy Awards right now and they just finished the "In Memoriam" section. So many greats left us in the past year. I hate that part of the show. Not only does it make me feel old, it also makes me very sad.

  9. Pat, I agree. The tributes to the dead at the end of the Oscars always makes me feel old. I skipped the Emmys this year. From what I understand, I didn't miss much.

  10. Pat, I agree. The tributes to the dead at the end of the Oscars always makes me feel old. I skipped the Emmys this year. From what I understand, I didn't miss much.
