Thursday, June 12, 2014

Twitter, Facebook and me

24 hour news and information cycles elicit a strong sense of redundancy made more so by Twitter, Facebook and the like.  I don't have a personal FB or Twitter account although I manage both for my company.  I see much value in Twitter as it's a lightening fast way to get out news, PR, information, and now, photographs.  It's short and doesn't hang around making it less likely to have the mind boggling entries FB users like to post, e.g. "Eggs for breakfast & now I'm washing my feet".  

Between the photos of people's kids with food on their faces (not cute), ThrowBackThursday photos of 80's big hair, ugly prom attire, etc., it appears people have waaaayy too much time on their idle hands.  One girl I've known since she was 5 yrs old, is now the mother of two adorable tow-headed girls identical to her own cute self.  She posts incessantly with photo after photo of adorable mother-daughter ventures, crafts, excursions, tea parties.  This is a sweet girl but her daughters, six and eight, pose as if they are know, arched back, hand on hip. Six months ago, her home was burglarized, the thieves stole her computer and I feel her children are very exposed, IMHO.  

Other people I know, mostly women now that I think of it, pose provocatively, post egregiously, and put stuff out there for anyone to see.  And they use their real names!!!  I know there are some privacy settings but FB is known for their ever changing modifications and who knows who is really seeing your "stuff"?

Guess I'll keep my inanities to myself...and my blog.



  1. ha. i have been off FB for over 3 years now...i do not miss all...way too many wanting my

  2. You are SO right about the "mind-boggling" entries FB users make!

  3. Other than links to my blog posts, I really don't post anything on FB. I agree with you about what people post. At least 50% of what I see posted there, is people's inane minutia and drama that I couldn't care less about.

  4. I'm here now, thanks for telling me.

  5. I certainly find blogs much more useful and enjoyable than FB. Never tried twitter and don't think I ever will.
    One good result of FB has been less forwarded emails. Those things are awful and now most of that crap stays on FB.
    Blogging takes more time and that's probably good. The non-thinkers who spend too much time in their celebrity want-a-be world can quickly like and reshare stuff on FB. This allows better comments on blogs.

  6. But you meet great people blogging!

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    =^..^= <3

  7. Totally agree about all of the insanity on FB and Twitter! It's mind boggling! :)

  8. Brian, had I ever personally been on it, I would now be off as well.

  9. Foxy, they never cease to amaze me. But, then, people never cease to amaze me.

  10. Pat! How are you? Thanks for coming here.

  11. Bill, that is a thoughtful analysis of blogging. It's probably why I took a hiatus...too much time and not enough thoughts! :)

  12. Cloudia, WELCOME! And "Aloha" to you as well :) You are so right. One does meet a wonderful group of folks who blog.

  13. Marguerite, thank you for visiting & commenting. Can't wait to get back to your fabulous recipes & fun times. I make your chicken enchiladas quite often & we love them.

  14. You're wise to stay off FB. It's a real clocksucker. However, I have met some wonderful writers there who have become friends.

  15. jayne, believe me, it takes more of my "work" time than I care to admit. today, when I promote our live show and weekend events, I found myself scrolling the FB news feed in a stupor. Twitter, on the other hand, delivers news instantly and I like that.

  16. Hey nineteen - I mean California Girl. I took your suggestion and ruined a Steely Dan song in my latest parody attempt.

  17. Bill, I saw it and responded with a happy face or some such thing. I LOVE Steely Dan. Got to see them in '93 at the Greek Theatre in LA. One of my clients at that time was the Nederlander Org and they owned it and their marketing peeps liked me and I bugged them for 1 1/2 yrs for tix and wanted to buy them because I knew it would be a sell out in LA & impossible to get. They surprised me with front row Mezz level, passes to the After Party & no charge. One of the best concerts in my radio career.
