Monday, January 6, 2014

Good Riddance to Liz Cheney

Liz Cheney    Billings Gazette

Liz Cheney, under the pretext of  "serious health issues" having arisen in her family, is dropping her Senate bid in Wyoming.  Her bid prompted her to denounce same sex marriage thereby her lesbian sister Mary's marriage to her long time partner last year.   Her sister and partner retaliated with a very public dissing of Liz, one that just wouldn't go away.

It was the beginning of the end of a manipulative campaign, Cheney style:  nothing is sacred.  People woke up to that fact and that is probably her undoing.

Whatever the reason, I am glad she's gone.



  1. Get rid of Dick Cheney also and his influence, what a waste of human life both of those people in that they only think the uber wealthy should have anything at all..The Karma they will get oh, my living you know what..happy new year to you and your blog!:):):):

  2. Thanks JC, Anon #1 & Anon #2 for your commentary. I have had a bit of difficulty getting excited to post these past few months but I can tell you I woke up to this news and could not wait to share.

    Does anyone think they've photoshopped her nose? That is one hell of a nose! Very Wicked Witch of the East.

  3. jayne, she'll probably be back one day. The Cheneys just won't go away.

  4. Unless there are photos of a vampire hunter driving a stake through the heart (if there is one) ... I doubt we've seen the last of the Darth Chaney clan.

  5. Wow! I was very happy to stumble upon your blog...until I read the snarky comment about Lynn Cheney's nose. You have lost all credibility (and a reader) in my eyes. Keep to the issues if you want to be taken seriously.

  6. Anon 1/25: I appreciate what you say. I am definitely "snarky". I find it very difficult not to insert the personal when I am completely pissed off with someone. But, your critique is well spoken and you are correct. Thank you very much. I
    will try to keep the personal out of my blog posts.
