Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Anatomy of a Perfect Woman...according to men

Wasn't that nice of Men's Health to go to the trouble of researching the characteristics of the "perfect" woman and then, for all the dummies out there who just can't quite wrap their minds around what she looks like when they're all rolled into one, graphically display them?

Just to even the score, Men's Health also provides an article titled, "How Large is the Average Penis?"  They left the results up to the participants who measured themselves.

Your days of awkward Google searches are over: The average penis is 5.6 inches (14.2 centimeters) long when erect, says new research from the Journal of Sexual Medicine.
(We’ll wait while you go and grab a tape measure.)Researchers asked guys to measure their penis length and girth in the privacy of their own homes. The researchers told the testers to mark themselves at full mast and report how they got there, whether it was via masturbation, oral sex from a partner, fantasizing, or other means.            Not only did the researchers discover the mean length of an erect               penis, but also found that men who received oral sex in order to get their erection reported significantly larger numbers than guys who... fantasized.
I love that the men weigh in on the perfect woman, piece her together like a paper doll then measure themselves to let the world know the size of their very own penises.
This calls for penis research from a more reliable source:  women.


  1. I am glad we can always count on ground-breaking articles like this from Men's Health!! LOL!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    1. "groundbreaking ", right. You are so welcome. Thank you as well.

  2. Sometimes you have to wonder if men actually ever advance mentally beyond puberty :))) Results of the surveys re how men 'achieved' their measurements made me laugh, we all tell little white fibs yeh hahaha!

    1. As Roseanne Barr famously quipped, "Men read maps better than women because only men can understand the concept of an inch equalling a hundred miles."

  3. Replies
    1. You & "fifty million other Frenchmen " I would imagine.

  4. While I know some lovely individuals, as a species (and I do mean a separate species) men are a very sorry lot.

    No mystery why I'm single and wouldn't have it any other way.

  5. jayne, "the mean length of an erect penis" was researched. I hope our tax dollars are not involved. If so, I want a refund!

  6. this can't be right because it appears to involve reading something. Men are awful with measurements also.

  7. Oh Bill, women have known that for years.

  8. I just realized something : penis length sounds better in centimeters.

  9. I'm happy I found your blog - very smart and fun and wise. This post reminded me of one I wrote, if you'll allow:


  10. O boy y'all kvetch goys!
