Sunday, August 4, 2013

Those Were the Best Days of My Life

In the history of music videos, "Summer of '69" is an early one. MTV was in its infancy and this song looks longingly back to another time when Adams was turned on to his "first real 6 string" guitar and an awesome summer. It released in 1984, when I worked for XL102 in Richmond, VA, my all-time favorite radio station. We were a rocker and this was an instant classic. Now, 29 years later, I'm looking back nostalgically to the time of its release as well as the Summer of '69, the year I graduated high school.


While I find the ending uncomfortable, I can agree with the sentiment.

Those were the days, indeed.



  1. I love love love this song (I agree the ending's a bit uncomfortable - there's no way they'd get away with that these days! x

    1. Well, there's always the 50 shades of coercion approach, I guess.

  2. Great song, but... wow, that ending is awkward. Did he stop so he can beat her, or what?

  3. I probably saw this vid on MTV but in 1984 I much preferred Relax by Frankie Goes To Hollywood and in 1969 if it wasn't Canned Heat, The Doors, Jefferson Airplane or other psychedelics I didn't listen to it.

  4. I lived in southern California and was just 21 lost my beloved grandmother I yearned to live with since my Mom passed early in my life..I so enjoyed that song, sung it all the time, never knew what the hell the words were really, 1969 lots of stuff happened, Manson, moon landing, I got my wisdom teeth out and was home watching the moon landing in black and white then Manson happened, I was in LA with a date that night, oh, my goodness..those time were something else, the music of that era has never been replaced, I don't like the fact most artists don't even really sing their own songs, never mind that cannot pick a guitar, loved bryan oh, what a hottie, that songs speaks to my youth and no I was not toking the marijuana lots of young people worked and went to school and led I would say pretty mundane lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. LA music generally didn't resonate in Nothern Cal. The exceptions were the Doors and the Byrds.

    The stamp of approval for most groups was - did KMPX's Tom Donahue play the group's music? Did they play the Fillmore? Did they jam in Golden Gate Park?

    Besides the Airplane, Big Brother, the Dead, Country Joe - my favorites were Stoneground and Quicksilver Messenger Service with John Cippolina ... He pretty much invented the SF sound.
