Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Dan Aykroyd and I Have Something in Common

As described in my previous post, I recently underwent major surgery.  Part of the recovery involves being heavily medicated and taking a shit load of prescribed pills.  One of the requirements of post-op is a 4 week regimen of blood thinner, in my case, Coumadin.  It's something to which one doesn't give much credence unless one cuts a nick in their skin. I was told not to shave my legs, clip my cuticles, etc.  What I didn't think about was chewing a hangnail in the middle of a sleepless night while heavily doped on an opiate.

My finger started to bleed and bleed and bleed.  It wouldn't stop. It dripped all over my sheets and for the life of me I couldn't figure out why.  I stumbled into the bathroom, ran it under cold water; applied rubbing alcohol, Bactine, a nice band aid.  The blood soaked through everything.  At this point I became nervous and started making a lot of noise so my husband would wake up and fix it.  He did.  He cleaned the cut (tiny one too), swathed it in bandages and tied it off with medical adhesive.  It finally stopped bleeding.

The next morning I realized I couldn't stop bleeding thanks to the Coumadin.  I'd had a Dan Aykroyd as Julia Child moment.  I now know just how he/she felt.



  1. How are you feeling? Thinking of you!!

  2. Hey Ellen, each day is better. It's been a rough one. I'm now back at work and that helps.

  3. You reminded me of my mother long ago who had one of those little skin tags she pulled off. It bled so much that she went to the hospital and they thought she had been stabbed, there was so much blood! :-)

    Hope you continue to feel a bit better every day, Cali.

    1. Thank you Jan. Good thing I didn't cut an artery. ):)

  4. Is it for preventing any blood clot issues? I guess a serious cut would land you the emergency room. Does the effect wear off quickly? It was nice to see your visit to my blog. All the best.

  5. I'm really sorry to hear this, and I bet it was quite scary, but I have to say, I love that you ended it with a lighthearted SNL bit. I always loved that skit.

    1. It waz the first thing I connected with. I also thought about an old Woody Allen film where he protests "I'm a bleeder!" Wish I could remember which film.

  6. so sad to hear this..
    be well!! sending positive thoughts your way!


  7. I am sorry! I hope you are getting better and recover soon~ I so remember that episode...oh, my~
    Do take care- @>------------
