Monday, February 18, 2013

"The War That Did Not Happen"

If anyone thinks we can or should ignore the invasion of Iraq, think again. The Bush Administration perpetrated the jingoistic reaction to 9/11 with a false tie to WMD in Iraq and a bulls eye on Saddam Hussein. Tonight, Rachel Maddow hosts "Hubris: The Selling of the Iraq War" at 9PM EST. Taken from the book by Michael Isikoff and David Corn, the documentary follows every false step lie and propoganda strategy by the Bush Administration in what Maddow calls "the war that did not happen."


President Bush demanded it.


Dick Cheney promoted it.


 Congress went along with it.  And we let them.


MSNBC explores this now ten year old declaration of war with the lies and fabrications by notables such as V.P. Dick Cheney, Secy of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of State Colin Powell, National Security Adviser Condi Rice, Deputy Secy of Defense Paul Wolfowitz and more! Tune in tonight to see the heroes and villains (mostly the latter) speak out. Too bad they wouldn't do so at the time. We might have 4,000+ more soldiers and hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi citizens still with us.

 Petition to bring these people up on war crimes, anyone?


  1. Looking forward to watching it, in a sad/angry/reluctant sort of way.

  2. I've been looking forward to this special all week. Rachel promised that after this, heads would explode. I'm so hoping she's right.

  3. I know. You look forward to it like getting a tooth pulled: unpleasant but necessary.

  4. "...heads will explode". That would be awesome.

    Seriously jayne, don't you think we the people should petition for an investigation and charges into this fraud?

  5. Watching that video of Dick Cheney is creepy. I was glad to have forgotten him and his snarling, trollish way of talking. Also, George W looked like a toddler trapped in a suit. Lights on but nobody's home. No idea how those 8 years happened.

    Also, regarding your comment today, I think you'd love The Sensationally Absurd Life and Times of Slim Dyson. It's a lot lighter, funnier, and dare I even say more romance inspired than anything else we've ever penned. If you end up getting it in either digital or paperback, do let us know what you think of it.

  6. Thanks for letting me know about this documentary. I agree with the conclusion that the group of right-wingnuts you mentioned was behind this unnecessary loss of life. What-ifs can't really be tested and Saddam Hussein was a world problem dictator. I wish they would have tried sanctions and controlled air-space longer. Maybe politics and war are always connected but this one was very obvious connected.

  7. Trying to control my anger I will watch it. I don't know if you saw my Feb. 12 post where I put these war criminals pictures to Shellys Ozymandias. It was a repeat post I first in in 2007...:(

  8. I wouldn't miss it. I'll be there, too, watching what I already know is an embarrassment to the entire country. Finally.

  9. But what did you think when Bush and Darth were real time and making it all up?

  10. Beer Boys: thank you for the tip. I'll put "Dyson" on my Amazon wish list for my kindle fire.

    Hope you watched the show. It was riveting.

  11. Lisleman, horrible as he was, we had no right to go in there. We caused more damage & further loss of life. Iraq is a mess to this day.

  12. Troutb, I haven't seen the post you reference. Will try.

    Yes, watching the show last night brought back much anger. That's good. We should not let this go. We should demand a grand jury or special prosecutor investigation & bring these men up on charges. They (Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Wolfowitz, deliberately lied to the American people sending 4146 troops to their death.

  13. Djan, would love to hear your thoughts having watched the program.

  14. Bill S: I can unequivocally state both my husband & I were against the invasion. We didn't know if there were WMDs but we believed Osama Bin Laden the peep. Also, it was too much like Vietnam: govt hawks espousing war to "protect us". We were pretty much alone with our opinions. Lots of discussion & arguments w/ many friends. I feel very very good I don't have to backtracked & say I was wrong.

  15. Correction to my last comment. "Peep" should be "perp ". LOL

  16. You forgot to add that our then Prime Minister, Tony Blair, slavishly followed this gang of criminals. As someone would have probably said in times gone by: Off with their heads! :-)

    Greetings from London.

  17. I had to share your blog on my blog, hope you don't mind. This was the start of my "peace" craze which turned into my Peace Art blog.

    "if only this had not happened....."

  18. Cuban in London, he was mentioned in the program of course. The focus was on the U.S. miscreants who will most likely never be brought to task or indicted or even formally investigated by the U.S. Govt for these lies and deaths and wasted years. Tony Blair has his own demons to wrestle, I imagine. Thanks for your comment.

  19. Judy, thank you. Share away! I am going to pursue this. Please feel free to reprint xo

  20. On a one to ten scale Bush was a zero even before his irresponsible war. At the time it was a mystery to me why anyone believed him. How the Bush gang responded to 9/11 was a manufactured concoction of lies and misdirections yet it took years before people grasped the enormity of mess. Seems we are easily hoodwinked.
