Sunday, January 20, 2013

Purveyor of Violent Porn

Joe Scarborough is coming down hard on Quentin Tarantino's penchant for violent film making. He scoffs at the Hollywood elite who hold Tarantino in high esteem and considers Tarantino a "jackass".  Scarborough is not someone I often agree with.  In fact, I almost never agree with his views.  This time I do.

Tarantino has always seemed ego-centric, driven to create more and more on-screen mayhem, bloodshed and violent images to maintain his own.  The publicity that preceded "Pulp Fiction" all those years ago was enough to keep me away.  I have seen a few of his films, the "Kill Bill" series.  That was enough.  I just love the manner in which he holds himself above reproach as seen in this interview clip below.



  1. I hated Pulp Fiction. Then I read about Tarintino - yep, an arrogant ass. Thankfully, if he remains true to his words, he's retiring as a director. Says he wants to go out on top and Not make films as a dottering old man.

    I hope he also moves to Bosnia.

  2. I find the older I get, the less I can stomach irresponsible, unnecessarcy, gratuitous violence.

  3. Violence is a national obsession and sickness at all levels and phases....:(

  4. troutbirder: great name! thank you for visiting and leaviing a comment. I love it when new readers make themselves known.

    It's funny. I am a Liberal and Joe Scarborough is not someone I often agree with about much of anything. But he's on board with something I've believed for many years, even before I had children. I think continued exposure to violent acts, images and messages HAS to have an effect on some if not many. Why? I work in advertising. The golden rule has always been to send the message over & over til they get it and begin to react. Well?

    Anyway, Hollywood loves to disavow any responsiblity for said reactions. It's all very disingenuous if not downright bullshit.
