Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

I don't often post personal photos on this blog.  I save the reminisces for "Empty Nest Evolution".  My husband and I said "Au revoir" to our sons the beginning of December.  We put them on a plane to Australia and we don't know when they will return.  They worked and saved to buy one way tickets and one year work visas.  We've heard from them once, Christmas Eve, and are happy to report they are having a marvelous time.

My sons (L & Ctr), their traveling bud (Rt) & their closest "girl" friend 
Dec 5th  Last night in Boston before leaving for Australia

Our farm house Christmas Day

Our yard Christmas Day

Creek running through the yard Christmas day

It snowed Christmas day and has continued since, great for our local economy which feeds 8 ski resorts and depends on tourism.  A white Christmas is always a plus.

Happy New Year to you and yours!


  1. Happy New Year
    Do the visas cost much?
    Once long in the past I thought moving to Australia would be so great. Never been.

  2. What beautiful people. And what a gorgeous home you have! Thank you so much for sharing it with me... I feel very privileged to be following you. :-)

  3. Hi! C.G...
    I tipped-toed[Sp}] over here after following the link on your other blog...and all I can say is what a lovely, photograph Of your sons and their friends.

    I hope that they will enjoy themselves down-under too!
    Now, as for your home and winter-wonderland setting all I can say is simply...beautiful!

    Thanks, for sharing!
    deedee :)

  4. Lisle Man: I think a few hundred dollars but that may be if you have to expedite one. My sons are not big on detail planning ahead. If they land somewhere for a decent amount of time, with reasonable jobs, my husband and I will finally make the trip over there. I have wanted to visit for years.

  5. DJan: Thank you for such sweet sentiments. I am privileged to have you read my blog AND comment on a regular basis. Keep up the good hikes!

  6. deedee: Thank you. The boys are awesome and we miss them very much. Our home is 120 years old in the front (the part photographed). There are 2 more additions, typical in New England, that go straight back. It's rather large & amusingly put together.

  7. Your sons are so handsome. What a wonderful adventure for them. And your farmhouse -- charm, charm charm! What a perfectly beautiful Christmas day. Thanks so much for posting these.

  8. These are all beautiful photos...so glad you made an exception! Wishing you a happy 2013.

  9. The red house and snow look like something out of a story book - very pretty setting.

  10. jayne: thank you. they're as funny & outgoing as they are cute. I'm so proud of them going on this extended adventure.

  11. Blissed: I think I still haven't figured out the direction of this blog. I love the title and the political bent. I guess it's evolving.

  12. Joe: Welcome to my blog! Now that I know you're in Vegas, no wonder you like the look of the snow. 115 degrees by the pool? Oi.

    Please come by regularly.

  13. Hi there, thanks for dropping by in Perth.Your sons look very excited to be going off on an adventure, I can tell you if it was snowing when they left home it will be like arriving on another planet for them when they land in Oz. It's all good though, just summer and pretty hot! If they like the beach, surfing etc. they will love it here. You didn't say where in Australia, my son and his wife live in Sydney and are really enjoying the faster pace over there. Of course I'm biased towards Perth, but I like the more 'laid back' lifestyle. I hope that they enjoy their time in Australia, it really is a wonderful place to live.
