Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Zig Ziglar Dies

Who is Zig Ziglar you ask?

Some say he is the best salesman who ever lived.

Others say he gave the best advice they ever heard.  His most famous quote, IMO:

Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude. 

Still others saw him as a problem solver, a great consultant, the perfect combination of Dale Carnegie and Norman Vincent Peale.  As a young salesperson working for the fabulous Group W Broadcasting, I was enrolled in one of his LA lectures in 1981.

I believe Ziglar was the first "famous" consultant I was to see over the years, many of them quite notable, including "Swim with the Sharks'" Trout & Ries (too aggressive for my taste), Tony Robbins (a slick character if ever there was one), and the exceptional Miller Heiman Strategic Selling Workshops (my personal favorite).

Zig Ziglar was different.  He had that subtle southern evangelist appeal and approach.  He told stories and tied them into the principles he was teaching you.  They made sense.  

         Zig Ziglar  1926 - 2012

RIP Mr. Ziglar.  You certainly contributed to my career as a salesperson.  


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