Monday, October 29, 2012

Things to Consider This Election and Beyond

The stakes are high.  So high, former NY Times columnist Frank Rich gave a startling interview to  Should be mandatory reading for those on the Left and the Right.  



  1. I LOVE this video and wish everybody would watch it and absorb its message. Unfortunately, I know too many people whose minds are so closed that nothing will crack them open.

  2. Linda: One of my good friends in FLA sent to me this morning. It is an amusing take on a not-so-funny subject. Hope you had time to read the linked article on

  3. I haven't looked at the video yet but I just read the interview, and it's a truly interesting take on post-election politics. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the right wing turns violent. But one wonders where the moderate Republicans will go. A new party? Or join the Democratic Party and then move it toward the right? I'm not placing bets on any of it at this point!

  4. Just read the article. If that isn't an argument for the need for a third party, I don't know what is. Thanks for posting this, my friend.

  5. How come California is safe for Obama even though the Governator got elected? Is Arnie a closet Democrat?

  6. Bliss, looks like you and Jayne are on the same wavelength.

  7. Jayne, I've always heard a third party isn't viably sustainable due to lack of support, funding, whatever. It seems a reasonable alternative now more than ever.

  8. Gorilla B: Thx for visiting & commenting. As for the Sperminator, I have no idea what closet he's in although it's apparently not a homosexual one.

  9. Sperminator - ha I take it you don't care much for him. Seems odd that he mentioned CEO Henry Ford - I remember learning that he hired his own police force to hunt down employees who disagree with him. The overall message is good.

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  11. Lisleman: Thank you for reading this. I found that article so compelling and sad. I wish I didn't believe it, that it was media hyperbole. Unfortunately, I don't think that at all.

  12. That was a great video, and it really enforces my vote. To be completely honest, I had never voted before. I used to work for an election company, and I ran the polling machines every year so I hated voting, but this year it just seemed so crucial, so I registered, I sent in my ballot last week, and made my wife do the same. Again, totally worth it.

  13. Beer: I'm so happy to hear that. I hope others follow suit. The state of our political system creates disillusionment and cynicism but we have to fight against that to believe our voice(s) still count. Thanks for caring enough to make a difference. :)

  14. Creative way to tell a message but wonder if anyone who disagrees even stops to consider...
