Friday, August 3, 2012

Mitt & the Courage of his Convictions



  1. I think the campaign is getting to me.  I'm avoiding most of the "serious" talk shows of late and even having a hard time watching Stewart & Colbert just because it will be political.  

    Now that Paul Ryan is out in the open as Mitt's #2, we can all start to worry about "what if they get elected?"  There goes social security, medicare, medicaid, infrastructure repairs, education boosts...taxes will be cut across the board and cuts to all programs are part of the "Ryan Plan."  He is one scary dude.

  2. "nice try" - That was probably a quicker reply than the last Republican president could of came up with.  good know he doesn't like vampires.  I don't catch all of Jon's shows but I watch good number of them.  I enjoyed his story on the dumb (IMHO) pro-Obama ad about the wife that died of cancer.  The part of the story I thought was great was how it showed Rove's influence on Fox.  

  3. Nancy, aka BLissed-Out GrandmaAugust 18, 2012 at 11:20 AM

    This reminds me that I should watch The Daily Show more often. Jon Stewart is so smart and funny....
