Wednesday, August 22, 2012

And the Hits Just Keep on Coming!


  1. First I heard that in vitro had come up in Congress. Was it related to stem cell research issues? That stem cell debate is nuts IMHO. If these fertilized cells are planned to be destroyed why not get some benefit. I wonder if some of these people are against organ donation too.

  2. Um Mr. Akin sir? Could you explain that again to me, like what is a legitimate rape????

  3. are you on G+ ? If not there's a G+ page with the same title as this blog. So you or whoever just got a link to an article by MAUREEN DOWD that I sent.

  4. Bill, to my knowledge, I'm not on G+. They seem to want too much personal info. Thx for the article.

    How do I view a G+ pg if I'm not on it?

  5. DJan, he's "splainin'" it to EVERYONE!
