Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Sometimes I Only Post to the Other Blog

I rarely have time enough to post to both blogs I write. Don't ask why I have two. Empty Nest Evolution was my first blogging experience. I thought it would be fun to write of the title experience as I slogged through. My political instincts soon took over & I wanted to write from a woman's POV. Hence, Women of a Certain Age. Today I wrote of my memories of the drive-in movie theaters we loved. It's the 79th anniversary of the first one. Head over to the Empty Nest to read.



  1. I didn't even know about the other blog. I'll go read it! :-)

  2. This one is definitely the busiest although when i want to write in a more creative fashion, reminisce, post beautiful photography or music, I use Empty Nest.  This blog is all over the place and I know I should narrow the focus but it is observational and political from my perspective as a "woman of a certain age".  

  3. Having multiple blogs, I understand.  I do try to point out which one is the "main" or more active blog.  I often wonder if people really care.  So which of these two blogs is the more active one?

  4. Really? I guess I don't cross-promote enough...and me in advertising. hahahahaha! :)
