Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Gender Pay Gap

Thanks Republicans!    
Proponents of the pay equity bill failed to clear the 60-vote threshold needed to advance the legislation. 
The 52-47 vote split along party lines with no Republican in support and no Democrat opposed.    Las Vegas Review Journal/Washington Digest  June 10, 2012


  1. The sad part is the Republican party, much to my surprise, was much more compassionate forty, even twenty years ago.  They had more centrist electees and were willing to work along bipartisan lines.  That is all but eliminated now no thanks, in part, to this goofy Tea Party movement and the media adoration & attention given to the likes of extremists like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck and know-nothings like Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann.  

  2. Equal pay is supposed to eliminate the gender issue.  

  3. This does add more to the evidence that the GOP doesn't care much about supporting women and their issues.  Since this was gender issue, do any of the female GOP members feel conflicted?  BTW I don't believe there are many issues that should be treated as gender specific.

  4. And anger!!!!! They're damn good at it.

  5. DJan, it seems the Republican approach is resonating in the polls.  People, like my husband, like to say, "If that's the way things go, they'll get what they deserve."   But, I'm undeserving and you're undeserving and those of us who think things through, know the long-term consequences, don't deserve another Republican president whose interests will benefit the 1% at the expense of the rest of us.

  6. Yes.  Right now the GOP dominant House is planning to nix every circuit court judge appointed by the President.  There is nothing they won't do or say.

    Mitch McConnell is comparing the Obama presidency to Nixon's:

  7. People don't take the time to understand what's at stake.  They vote their emotions and fear.  Republicans use fear to motivate.

  8. The Republican's planned to sabotage the Obama presidency from day one. They are committing treason by blocking the President's efforts to improve the economy. I don't understand how people can accept the shit that's being shoveled.

  9. It does boggle the mind....they don't seem to want to help anyone. Their sole objective is just to deep-six the President and put another drone in the office...

  10. Gee, what a surprise. I guess the Republicans really don't want anything to get better so that Romney will take over next year. Then things will REALLY get bad...

  11. Not to mention the ERA has never passed.  Are we going backwards?

  12. never thought we'd still be fighting this fight...and 2012. Sigh.
