Monday, April 16, 2012

Is This What You Want for the Next 4 Years?

Mitt Romney is confident he has the Fox crowd or "true believers" now. He knows he has to expand his reach beyond the Fox audience to women, Hispanics and Independents.  I don't think this is the way to get it.  

(love the banner)

Overheard by reporters standing outside a closed door campaign fundraiser in toney Palm Beach where the parking lot was valet-filled with Porsches, Mercedes, Hummers and a Maserati, Mitt threw out the following tidbits:
His wife, Ann Romney, spoke and said she was excited by the "early birthday present" from Hillary Rosen who criticized Mitt Romney for turning to his wife on women's economic concerns when Mrs. Romney "has never worked a day in her life."    Yes, Ms. Rosen could have put it better but the Republicans have latched onto this as a rallying point against the President's re-election even though Ms. Rosen is not part of his campaign.

I'd love to see Hillary Clinton go toe-to-toe with Ann Romney.  It wouldn't be a contest.  It would be fun.



  1. That's an accurate description of the American mind. Or, to characterize it as my husband does, "They vote with their emotions." I think most people are too lazy to learn the issues. It's WORK.

  2. It scares the bejeezus out of my that Romney could be elected.   American voters are legendary for voting against their own best interests.   

  3. Is that your way of saying "most politicians are crooks"?

    I say that all the time.  I can hardly stand to listen to the spin any longer.  The interviewer asks a question and the interviewee doesn't answer.  He/she spins.  And they get away with it!

  4. I think the political mind sometimes sits too near the criminal mind .. It is then  I just do not understand it . -J

  5. He is a mystery to me.  Once upon a time, I might have thought him to be a contender.  That was quite a few years ago.  But this years' nominee election campaign has revealed a man who seems to have no permanent commitment to any principals or beliefs.  The term flip flopping is almost too generous.  The desperation he exudes in some of these campaign appearances is frightening to me.  And I'm not being sarcastic.  

  6. That "rallying point" did nothing for me. Being a Mom IS hard work (period)..... being rich-  well that doesn't look so hard to me. I started out liking Romney in general, but every time he opened his mouth to be someone he is not.... I lost trust on if he really even knows himself. 

  7. Romney is so out-of-touch with the reality of the people in this country it's almost comical! How many "servants" do you suppose they had to help Ann Romney raiseher 5 boys? Methinks she's just as out of touch with reality when she protests that she was a working mother!

  8. There's a new video on the internet of her supposed childhood caregiver/nanny calling into a radio talk show to confirm her young charge never did "have to work a day in her life".    Not saying this is credible.  In fact, it's opportunistic.  You be the judge.

  9. the answer to your title question - NO

  10. Um, let me think about it. Okay, I just did... NO! 
