Monday, April 9, 2012

A Day of Remembrance

The Easter season is the most poignant Christian observance with its many themes of persecution, mockery, innocence, death, and, ultimately, triumph over Death.  Christ  winds up his 33 years on earth with an accelerated round of appearances and talks designed to spread God's word before he goes.  Christ is crucified, dead and buried on Good Friday.  He is risen two days later to walk among his disciples as proof of his divinity compelling them to tell the story.  It's an amazing affirmation of Life after Death.

My parents, my brother and I celebrated Easter in the same manner each year.  Mother would take us to shop for an "Easter outfit" to wear to church.  Sunday morning, dressed in our finest, we would have a big breakfast, usually prepared by my father, go out to the back yard and snap some family pics, then head to church for services.  I would miss that to this day if it weren't for my awesome family.

Easter Morning ca 1965 or 66
My brother & I in our back yard

This morning, my sons got up early.  They showered and dressed and readied themselves for church.   I wanted to attend but cannot yet drive, thanks to a recent operation.  They were there to accompany me.  My husband surprised us as well by going.  It was wonderful.  Afterwards, we went home and began the time consuming process of putting Easter dinner together.  My leg is painful and swollen so I cannot cook.  My MIL bought an 8lb leg of lamb, dressed it and had it ready to go.  My younger son tried his hand at a 40 year old carrot cake recipe that is out of this world.  My older son peeled potatoes for mashers and helped anyone who needed it.  My younger son's GF made a beautiful salad.  My older son's childhood friend and GF brought Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory apples, beer and wine.

It was a group effort.  Everyone helped.  Everyone served dinner.  The meal was unbelievably perfect.  The dessert as well.  Afterwards, there was dancing in the living room, lots of happy talk and laughter.  My husband and I sat on the sofa, watching 6 young adults have fun; telling each other how lucky we felt and how happy we were at this moment in time.

Easter Morning 2012



  1. What a great day you had...and what a handsome family! 

  2. I love your three handsome men! 

  3. I hope your leg will be healed soon, but with such a wonderful helpful family, it sounds like you will be just fine and well cared for in any event. Thank you for sharing these wonderful people with me. And what a fine memory you created! :-)

  4. Very handsome men in your family!! It is always wonderful to know that loving support is always there....a great moment in time! Be well and heal!

  5. It was a special day.  Hope you are finding your way.  Nice to see you commenting.  I think about you and your family and pray for the best.  

  6. Me too!  They look good together.  Love the joy.

  7. Thank you!  They are my rocks (no matter what I say in my other blog)  hehehe

  8. You are so sweet.  It was just one of those perfect days.  They don't come along that often so when they do, best to realize it, right?
