Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Gathering My Thoughts

The political primaries in SC & FLA caught my attention, especially as we left on a 10 day driving vacation to SC and I'm just returned.  The South is so different from up here in Yankee territory.  Both are worlds apart from my left coast upbringing in SoCal.  

More to come...



  1. Well, I don't know if it's as large as it once was.  We lived in VA for many years and it was a tough place for a Liberal, despite the occasional Democratic governor.  I am under the impression NC has loosened up a bit.  No?   SC is another story altogether.

  2. I know, it's a different world. I'm in North Carolina and it's disturbing how large the right wing faction is here in the south.

  3. Given this, what do you think of the Dems convention being held in Charlotte?  I think we categorize too much.  People have really move around country quite a bit.  Now maybe big city vs. rural living can be guessed accurately but I think many people are not that fixed in their opinion.

  4. I'd like to believe you're right Lisleman.   Make that hope.  I think the Dems scheduling their convention there was political strategy.   It will be interesting to see how it plays out.  

  5. They don't call it the left coast for not reason!  I love it here...
    Having said that, I just happen to live in the most conservative county in the state.

  6. Yes you do.  The OC...my brother lives there.  My best friend lives there. You are surrounded.   

  7. To quote Leon Russell, "I've lived so many places in my life and times.  I feel perfectly qualified to categorize regions.  Smugly so.    
    "Everything is a strategy.  Jayne is right.  Charlotte is now the 2nd largest banking capital in the country, after New York. Ya gotta weigh that with the southern influence.  

  8.  Music legend Leon Russell?  Man he has great hair.  jumpin jack flashback to the concert for Bangladesh
